Wednesday, March 10, 2010

Maz Jobrani's clip for the 2010 Census

Maz says:
This is me on Sundays. I like to take off the bald cap I wear all week, throw on the sandles and stand at my front door 1/2 naked, reading the Iran Times for strangers as they walk by my Persian Palace of Love.

Actually this is a clip from a recent video I did for the 2010 Census. You can view the video at:

I also did a more serious video for the census you can view at:

Census forms are being mailed to all Americans this month so make sure to fill yours out. Iranian-Americans are asked to mark "other" on question 9 and write in Iranian or Iranian-American. (I'm told that the FBI does not get these forms, but please let me know if you do end up getting deported so I don't fill mine out.)

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