Thursday, December 17, 2009

Zhu Zhu Pets

Jennifer, my boss, tells me that Target has a few Zhu Zhu pets and they are flying off the shelf. For those of you who don't know what a Zhu Zhu pet is (and I didn't know until a few weeks ago), it's a little stuffed hamster that has recently become popular and a hot commodity. So I go down to Target and sure enough they only have a few left and there is a limit, four to a costumer. When I got home I forgot to hide them. I was planing to give them as Norooz presents. Sheerin spotted them in the back seat this morning and says "Oh my God Zhu Zhu pets! Just like the commercial!!!" I told them this is suppose to be a surprise for the Eid. Then she says I knew those presents were not from Santa or Amoo Norooz!

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